PicoScope-3417E Kit

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PicScope-3417E Kit, 4 Ch, 350 MHz BW

  • 350 MHz analog bandwidth
  • 5 GS/s real-time sampling
  • 2 GS buffer memory
  • 10 bit A/D Resolution
  • 100,000 waveforms per second
  • Externaltrigger
  • 200 MS, 14bit, AWG
  • USB-C connected and powered
  • Serial decoding and mask testing as standard
  • PicScope-7 software, Windows, Linux and Mac
  • PicoLog6 dataloging software
  • PicoSDK supports C/C++, C#, LabVIEW, MATLAB
  • 4XTA536 350MHz probes
More Information

PicoScope 3000E Series Specifications

PicoScope model3417E3418E
Vertical (analog channels)
Input channels 4
Bandwidth (–3 dB) 350 MHz 500 MHz
Rise time (10% to 90%, −2 dB full scale) 1.2 ns 925 ps
Selectable bandwidth limit 8-bit mode 20, 50, 100, 200, 350 MHz 20, 50, 100, 200, 350, 500 MHz
Selectable bandwidth limit 10-bit mode 20, 50, 100, 200 MHz
Vertical resolution 8 bits, 10 bits
Enhanced vertical resolution (software) Hardware resolution + 4 bits
Input connector BNC(f)
Input characteristics 50 Ω 50 Ω ±2 %
Input characteristics 1 MΩ 1 MΩ ±1 % ∥ 13 pF ±2 pF
Input coupling 50 Ω DC
Input coupling 1 MΩ AC/DC
Input sensitivity 50 Ω 1 mV/div to 1 V/div (10 vertical divisions)
Input sensitivity 1 MΩ 1 mV/div to 4 V/div (10 vertical divisions)
Input ranges (full scale) 50 Ω ±5 mV[1], ±10 mV[2], ±20 mV[3], ±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±200 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V
Input ranges (full scale) 1 MΩ ±5 mV[1], ±10 mV[2], ±20 mV[3], ±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±200 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±20 V
[1] ±5 mV only available up to 100 MHz
[2] ±10 mV only available up to 200 MHz
[3] ±20 mV only available up to 350 MHz
DC gain accuracy ±(1% of signal + 1 LSB)
DC offset accuracy ±(2% of full scale + 200 µV)
LSB size (quantization step size) 8-bit mode < 0.4% of input range
LSB size (quantization step size) 10-bit mode < 0.1% of input range
Analog offset range (vertical position adjustment)

±250 mV (±5 mV to ±200 mV ranges)

±2.5 V (±500 mV to ±2 V ranges)

±5 V (±5 V range, 50 Ω input)

±20 V (±5 V to ±20 V ranges, 1 MΩ input)

Analog offset control accuracy ±1% of offset setting, additional to DC accuracy above
Overvoltage protection 1 MΩ ±100 V (DC + AC peak) up to 10 kHz
Overvoltage protection 50 Ω 5.5 V RMS max, ±20 V pk max
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Maximum sampling rate (real time, 8-bit mode) 5 GS/s on 1 channel, 2.5 GS/s on 2 channels, 1.25 GS/s on 3-4 channels
Maximum sampling rate (real time, 10-bit mode) 2.5 GS/s on 1 channel, 1.25 GS/s on 2 channels, 625 MS/s on 3-4 channels
Max. sampling rate, USB 3.0 streaming mode[4] (PicoScope 7) ~50 MS/s
Max. sampling rate, USB 3.0 streaming mode[4] (PicoSDK) ~300 MS/s (8-bit mode), ~150 MS/s (10-bit mode)
Max. sampling rate, USB 2.0 streaming mode[4] (PicoScope 7) ~10 MS/s
Max. sampling rate, USB 2.0 streaming mode[4] (PicoSDK) ~30 MS/s (8-bit mode), ~15 MS/s (10-bit mode)
[4] Split between active channels, PC dependent
Capture memory[5] 2 GS (8-bit mode), 1 GS (10-bit mode)
[5]Split between active channels
Maximum single capture duration at maximum sampling rate (PicoScope 7) 200 ms
Maximum single capture duration at maximum sampling rate (PicoSDK) 400 ms
Capture memory (continuous streaming) (PicoScope 7) 250 MS
Capture memory (continuous streaming) (PicoSDK) Buffering using full device memory, no limit on total duration of capture
Waveform buffer (number of segments) (PicoScope 7) 40 000
Waveform buffer (number of segments) (PicoSDK) 2 000 000
Timebase ranges 1 ns/div to 5000 s/div
Initial timebase accuracy ±5 ppm
Timebase drift ±1 ppm/year
ADC sampling Simultaneous sampling on all active channels
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Dynamic performance (typical)
Crosstalk Better than 500:1 (from DC to bandwidth of victim channel, equal voltage ranges)
Harmonic distortion (10 MHz, −2 dBfs input). 8-bit Better than –50 dB on ±50 mV to ±20 V ranges
Harmonic distortion (10 MHz, −2 dBfs input). 10 bit Better than –60 dB on ±50 mV to ±20 V ranges
SFDR (10 MHz, −2 dBfs input). 8-bit Better than 50 dB on ±50 mV to ±20 V ranges
SFDR (10 MHz, −2 dBfs input). 10-bit Better than 60 dB on ±50 mV to ±20 V ranges
RMS noise Click to see table
Linearity ≤ 2 LSB 8-bit mode
≤ 4 LSB 10-bit mode
Bandwidth flatness (+0.5 dB, –3 dB) from DC to full bandwidth
Low frequency flatness < ±6% (or ±0.5 dB) from DC to 1 MHz
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Source Any analog channel, AUX trigger
Trigger modes None, auto, repeat, single, rapid (segmented memory)
Advanced trigger types (analog channels) Edge (rising, falling, rising-or-falling), window (entering, exiting, entering-or-exiting), pulse width (positive or negative or either pulse), window pulse width (time inside, outside window or either), level dropout (including high/low or either), window dropout (including inside, outside or either), interval, runt (positive or negative), transition time (rise/fall), logic
Logic trigger capabilities: AND/OR/NAND/NOR/XOR/XNOR function of any trigger sources (analog channels and aux input) User-defined Boolean function of any combination of analog channels plus aux input (PicoSDK only)
Trigger sensitivity (analog channels) Digital triggering provides 1 LSB accuracy up to full bandwidth of scope with adjustable hysteresis
Pre-trigger capture Up to 100% of capture size
Post-trigger delay - PicoScope 7 Zero to > 4x109 samples, settable in 1 sample steps (delay range at 5 GS/s of 0.8 s in 200 ps steps)
Post-trigger delay - PicoSDK Zero to > 1x1012 samples, settable in 1 sample steps (delay range at 5 GS/s of > 200 s in 200 ps steps)
Trigger holdoff by time Delay re-arming the trigger after each trigger event by a user-set time up to 4 x 109 sample intervals.
Rapid trigger mode rearm time < 700 ns on fastest timebase
Maximum trigger rate - PicoScope 7 40 000 waveforms in 20 ms
Maximum trigger rate - PicoSDK Number of waveforms up to memory segment count, at a rate of 2 million waveforms per second.
Waveform update rate Up to 300 000 waveforms per second in PicoScope 7 fast persistence mode
Trigger time-stamping Each waveform is timestamped with time from previous waveform, with sample-interval resolution.
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Auxiliary trigger
Trigger types (triggering scope) Edge, pulse width, dropout, interval, logic
Trigger types (triggering AWG) Rising edge, falling edge, gate high, gate low
Input bandwidth > 10 MHz
Input characteristics 3.3 V CMOS Hi-Z input, DC coupled
Input threshold Fixed threshold, low < 1 V, high > 2.3 V suitable for 3.3 V CMOS
Input hysteresis 1.3 V max (VIH < 2.3 V, VIL > 1 V)
Auxiliary output function Trigger output
Output voltage 3.3 V CMOS (VOH > 3.2 V, VOL < 0.1 V into Hi-Z)
Output impedance Approx. 270 Ω
Output rise time Measured directly at BNC: < 15 ns
Coupling DC
Overvoltage protection ±20 V peak max
Connector type BNC(f)
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Function generator
Standard output signals Sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp up, ramp down, sinc, Gaussian, half-sine
Output frequency range 100 μHz to 20 MHz
Output frequency accuracy Oscilloscope timebase accuracy ± output frequency resolution
Output frequency resolution < 1 μHz
Sweep modes Up, down, dual with selectable start/stop frequencies and increments
Triggering Free-run, or from 1 to 1 billion counted waveform cycles or frequency sweeps. Triggered from scope trigger, aux trigger or manually.
Gating Waveform output can be gated (paused) via aux trigger input or software
Pseudorandom output signals White noise, selectable amplitude and offset within output voltage range Pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS), selectable high and low levels within output voltage range, selectable bit rate up to 20 Mb/s
Output voltage range ±2.0 V into Hi-Z (±1.0 V into 50 Ω)
Output voltage adjustment Signal amplitude and offset adjustable in approx. 0.3 mV steps within overall ± 2 V range
DC accuracy ±1 % of full scale, into Hi-Z load
Amplitude flatness < 1.5 dB to 20 MHz, typical, sine wave into 50 Ω
SFDR > 70 dB, 10 kHz full scale sine wave
Output resistance 50 Ω ±1%
Overvoltage protection ±20 V peak max
Connector type Front-panel BNC
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Arbitrary waveform generator
Update rate 200 MS/s
Buffer size 32 kS
Vertical resolution 14 bits (output step size 0.3 mV)
Bandwidth (−3 dB) > 20 MHz
Rise time (10% to 90%) < 10 ns (50 Ω load)
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Spectrum analyzer
Frequency range DC to 350 MHz DC to 500 MHz
Display modes Magnitude, average, peak hold
Y axis Logarithmic (dBV, dBu, dBm, arbitrary dB) or linear (volts)
X axis Linear or logarithmic
Windowing functions Rectangular, Gaussian, triangular, Blackman, Blackman−Harris, Hamming, Hann, flat-top
Number of FFT points Selectable from 128 to 1 million in powers of 2
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Math channels
Functions −x, x+y, x−y, x*y, x/y, x^y, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, delay, average, frequency, derivative, integral, min, max, peak, duty, highpass, lowpass, bandpass, bandstop, coupler, top, base, amplitude, positive overshoot, negative overshoot, phase, delay, moving, deskew, true power, apparent power, reactive power, power factor
Operands A to D (input channels), T (time), reference waveforms, pi, constants
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Automatic measurements
Scope mode AC RMS, amplitude, apparent power, base, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, edge count, fall time, falling edge count, falling rate, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, negative duty cycle, negative overshoot, peak to peak, phase, positive overshoot, power factor, reactive power, rise time, rising edge count, rising rate, top, true power, true RMS
Spectrum mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD%, THD dB, THD+N, SINAD, SNR, IMD
Statistics Minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Parameters Cycle number, cycle time, frequency, low pulse width, high pulse width, duty cycle (high), duty cycle (low), rise time, fall time, undershoot, overshoot, max. voltage, min. voltage, voltage peak to peak, start time, end time
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Serial decoding
Protocols 1-Wire, 10BASE-T1S, ARINC 429, BroadRReach, CAN, CAN FD, CAN J1939, CAN XL, DALI, DCC, Differential Manchester, DMX512, Ethernet 10BASE-T, Extended UART, Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX, FlexRay, I2C, I2S, I3C BASIC v1.0, LIN, Manchester, MIL-STD-1553, MODBUS ASCII, MODBUS RTU, NMEA-0183, Parallel Bus, PMBus, PS/2, PSI5 (Sensor), Quadrature, RS232/UART, SBS Data, SENT Fast, SENT Slow, SENT SPC, SMBus, SPI-MISO/MOSI, SPI-SDIO, USB (1.0/1.1), Wind Sensor
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Mask limit testing
Statistics Pass/fail, failure count, total count
Mask creation Auto-generated from waveform or imported from file
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Display modes Scope, XY scope, persistence, spectrum.
Interpolation Linear or sin(x)/x
Persistence modes Time, frequency, fast
Output file formats csv, mat, pdf, png, psdata, pssettings, txt
Output functions Copy to clipboard, print
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Data transfer
Captured waveform data USB transfer rate to PC On USB 3.0, PC dependent: 8-bit mode: up to 360 MS/s; 10-bit mode: up to 180 MS/s
On USB 2.0, PC dependent: 8-bit mode: up to 40 MS/s; 10-bit mode: up to 20 MS/s
Hardware accelerated waveform display rate Hardware acceleration enables over 2 GS of data to be displayed on screen per second (8-bit mode, 4 channels, 250 MS per channel at max sample rate)
PicoScope model3417E3418E
General specifications
PC connectivity USB 3.0 SuperSpeed (USB 2.0 compatible)
PC connector type USB 3.0 Type C
Power requirement Powered from single USB Type-C 3 A port or from USB port plus external Type-C PSU (5V 3A)
Status indicators RGB LED per BNC connector plus power and sampling
Thermal management Automatic fan speed control for low noise
Dimensions 221 x 173 x 30 mm
Weight < 0.7 kg
Ambient temperature range - Operating 0 to 40 °C
Ambient temperature range - For quoted accuracy 15 to 30 °C after 20-minute warm-up
Ambient temperature range - Storage –20 to +60 °C
Humidity range - Operating 5 to 80 %RH non-condensing
Humidity range - Storage 5 to 95 %RH non-condensing
Altitude Up to 2000 m
Pollution degree EN 61010 pollution degree 2: “only nonconductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is expected”
Safety compliance Designed to EN 61010-1:2010 + A1:2019
EMC compliance Tested to EN 61326-1:2021 and FCC Part 15 Subpart B
Environmental compliance RoHS, REACH & WEEE
Warranty 5 years
PicoScope model3417E3418E
Windows software (64-bit)[6] PicoScope 7, PicoLog 6, PicoSDK (Users writing their own apps can find example programs for all platforms on the Pico Technology organization page on GitHub).
macOS software (64-bit)[6] PicoScope 7, PicoLog 6 and PicoSDK
Linux software (64-bit)[6] PicoScope 7 software and drivers, PicoLog 6 (including drivers) See Linux Software and Drivers to install drivers only
Raspberry Pi 4B & 5 (Raspberry Pi OS)[6] PicoLog 6 (including drivers) See Linux Software and Drivers to install drivers only
[6] See the picotech.com/downloads page for more information.
Languages supported - PicoScope 7 English-US, English-UK, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Korean, Croatian, Italian, Hungarian, Netherlands Dutch, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, PortugueseBrazilian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Serbian, Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Languages supported - PicoLog 6 Simplified Chinese, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
PC requirements Processor, memory and disk space: as required by the operating system Ports: USB 3.0 (recommended) or 2.0 (compatible)
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